Sunday 23 July 2017

Sorry For Everything.. After All Just Sorry?

Ang arte!!

Ano gusto mo? Make Up Sex? Maging kayo?

Ang cheap mo! Promise! You open you legs to another just for a whim na walang kasiguraduhan. 

I am the victim, not you!

1 comment:

  1. So do you think a person will open up herself without being assured of something? You don't know how much a guy can assure a woman. Not just on words but on actions. But yeah. Maybe shame on that woman. You're not the only victim here.being mad just on that woman. How about the man? He's just weak and you're willing to accept everything. Even you know that until this very moment "your man" and that woman is still together?

    I have read something before that a person should follow what he/she really want or make a decision on his/hewr own. Not because of family pressure and the committment made years back, look who's making use of that now.

    For sure the woman tries so hard to stay away from your man, but what can that woman do if that person keeps on doing the stuffs he tells he'll do to you to the woman (gagawin niyo palang nagawa na nila). Will that woman be so stupid enough to let that go..

    If that woman is holding on to that guy. Maybe that guy gives her so much that is willing to take all the shame she's going though now.
