Friday, 10 March 2017

On Being the Third Party

Giving love to someone is never a sin but there is exception. If you fall in love with someone who already committed, then you are having a sin. Many people love to be the other woman because they are blinded on the feeling they have. It is a dangerous feeling that can kill any home/relationship. Many other women are receiving a little time from committed men. Most of them are getting mad and jealous about this situation. If you are the other woman, you need to think about your future.
Family/Relationship is build with love and trust. No one wants to see any member of the family/relationship to get hurt. As the other woman, you never think about the people you will hurt. In this way, you are being selfish to other people and making your life miserable. If you think that, this committed man is the only one for you then you think it wrong. Learn to open your heart, mind and eyes to the people who surround you. Many single men can be a potential lover.
Before anything else, think about yourself. Are you contented to be on the 3rd or 4th priority? Do you love to receive little time from him? Do you love to hide going to other place, when your together?  Do you love to receive a call, anytime he wants? Do you love to think how he kiss and hug his girlfriend/fiance/wife? For sure, the answer is no. Think about the pain you will receive, if you continue your relationship.

If you are the girlfirend/fiance/wife and you know that your boyfriend/fiance/husband have other woman. Do you like it? Are you going to shut your mouth? Of course not. So, learn to stop it because you are hurting someone.

As a single woman, there are many opportunities waiting for you. Learn to look and give them a chance. It can help you to achieve your dreams and become a better person that you can be.

It is hard to leave this kind of situation but it is harder to continue. If you really love the committed man, help him to go back to his girlfriend/fiance/wife even if it hurts. Remember that they promise to be together until the rest of time. You need to think that you will be happier with someone who can share every moment of his life without stealing it to anyone.

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