Monday, 27 March 2017

The Questions Is..

It's hard to know where to begin. But I would actually like to focus on the "other woman" (I am in no way implying that my fiance is not at fault, but I believe this woman was just as guilty). The reason this other woman interests me so much is that I would dearly love to know what's been going on in her mind for these last 10 months or so of her life. (Heck! Even now as she still keeps posting anything that is related to my Fiance).

Okay, I am thinking, she connected with my fiance, they become involved, (she messaged me that apparently they were destined to meet and have what they have together - in my opinion? they were not destined for whatever they had because if not for me preparing his papers? There would be no Canada for him) and then they decided to have an affair. She continues to spend time with him despite the fact that I told her to stay away from him (the nerve of the pock mark face woman, she knows no shame!), sleeps with him and be in a relationship with him as he stills talk with his fiance every day and every night. He probably tells her that he will leave his fiance for her (she wish! Even his family was disgusted by her actions) and then aid and abet my fiance affections so that he will fall in love with her. And when he (finally) leaves his fiance and they then live happily ever after? I don;t think so.

Why not? Because I believe, as the Bible says, that you reap what you sow (or, as the world calls it, "KARMA"). Why does this woman think that she is entitled to any happiness with a man who cheats on his fiance? And even worse than that - she knew that she is ruining the relationship! She was an integral part of it all - and allowed it to happen. Month after month, day after day - she contributed to ruining a life that takes time to build.

I guess my real question is this - Why do women allow themselves to become the "other woman"? Somebody please explain this to me! Did't they know that once they did this unspeakable act she will forever be branded as the "other woman", slut, hoe, bitch and a harlot?

Yes, I know that some people believe you can't help who you fall in love with, but I have a big problem with that line of thinking. You may not be able to help who you fall in love with, but you can certainly help who you think about, who you spend time with and who you sleep with. And I know all about low self-esteem, so that's not a good excuse for me, either. And I know that some women believe that there is a shortage of good men, but does that justify stealing someone's else?

I may be romantic at heart, but I am a realist by nature. And as a realist, I can realistically say that relationship that is founded on lying and deceit has very little chance of lasting. 

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