Monday, 26 May 2014

On Being An Artist

There is something you need to know about me. I am a frustrated artist. When I was in grade school, someone gave me a box of acrylic paint (I was good at coloring a coloring book). I was overjoyed and enthusiastic thinking that I can create great masterpiece with it. To start, I made a makeshift easel (chair covered with white blanket), and Mama bought me a ream of bond paper (yes a ream, Mama always supported us when it comes to extracurricular activities provided that it will benefits our personal growth). And viola! I began to paint like an artist I see in movies. Sadly, I wasn't able to create a masterpiece, what I created instead is a messy canvass splattered with arrays of colors. But it was great for Mama. 

I have always been fascinated with artsy stuff. I am a hoarder of newspaper cut-outs, a friend drawings, stationary stuffs. One time, I collect cut-outs from a magazine thinking that I will be able to start my scrapbooking, but I lacked materials i.e. glue, glue gun, and photos, so I put it in a box and let it gather dust. I will deal with it later soon!

This past few days, i immersed myself in making polymer clay. I enrolled two workshop this month dedicated to polymer clay craft and it was great! So behold! - hopefully my next post is all about my artsy crafty projects that I finished, and my journey in realizing my dream as an artist.

This is the beginning of something new!

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