I'm a huge fan of horror movies, but I haven't the courage to watch it alone.
Below are the compilations of horror movies I've watched at cinema.
Dalaw (December 25, 2010)
This movie is about a woman
who was in an abusive relationship which came to an end when her husband dies
in a car accident due to an argument the two of them were having in the car at
the time. The woman was now free of her husband in terms of his actual physical
presence in her life. However, for a time, she was haunted by him --or thought
that she was-- because she "saw things".
A friend reintroduces her to her first love
whose heart she broke when she entered into a marriage of convenience with an
abusive man. At this point, the "haunting" she experienced after his
death have ceased and it now seems she was completely free to start a new
relationship. Eventually they get married --but not uneventfully, since
something happens. Later she and her child (a boy) move into her new husband's
home where he lives with his mother (something her new mother-in-law had
insisted on). Things begin to happen, starting with the woman's son, who is
seeing and experiencing things. It shortly becomes clear that the haunting has
restarted; a fact the woman assumes to be the result of her deceased former
husband's displeasure with her new marriage.
Bulong (February 2, 2011)
The film starts in a church
where a centipede-like demon is crawling at the walls. The protagonist Conan
really wanted to get Ellen, the girl he liked and so he asked his friend on how
to achieve his wish. His friend said that there was a rumor that if you whisper
your wish to a dead body, the soul of that body would help you. So he sought
the help of Oprah who is also a friend. He whispered to the corpse his wish
that she would fall in love with him, but the first one was a failure because
the corpse became deaf before it died. Conan went home in disappointment but at
the same time an old woman was hit by a car, he whispered his wish. The next
day while at work, Conan was met by Ellen in a romantic manner and it seems
that his wish had worked. But suddenly the old woman that was killed bgan to
haunt him and wanted him to repay the request that he made to her. He found out
that the woman was a witch and she wants to ask forgiveness to a girl to whom
she used hex She needs Conan to make her drink that is made out of holy water
and a part of the old woman's body. Conan and Oprah traveled to Bohol where
the girl lives and is attacked by demons during the trip. They finally arrived
at the girl's house before being attacked by the centipede-like demon, the girl
finally drank the liquid and broke the spell that was cast upon her. The old
woman stopped haunting Conan.
The Healing (July 25, 2012)
The Healing has
all the earmarks of a fairly typical Filipino horror movie. It takes some
element of our local folklore (in this case, faith healers) and brings it to
horrific ends. But the movie turns out to be much more than that. Though it
stalls the action a little too much, the film is still undeniably fun. It
cleverly works in a bit of humor within all the grisly action, and adds a
plethora of stylistic touches to make everything feel just a little bit
Seth's father Odong is not able to walk because
of a stroke so Seth brought her father to Manang Elsa, a faith healer, to heal
the sickness of his father. It was Odong's turn to be healed and Manang Elsa
touched him. She prescribed some herbal for his medication to take. When they
were leaving the place, someone fainted inside and was immediately brought
inside the house. Seth and his father went home. Seth's housemaid Alma has a
small party and Seth was tired so she went to her room and slept. But before
she slept, she was surprised by the crow flying in her house.
The next day, she did not saw her father in the
house and surprised that she saw his father walking around. Seth's son, Jed
visited her and was amazed of his grandfather and ask for help because his
half-sister Cookie has a renal disease called Glomerulonephritis and wants to
bring him to the healer. Seth did not want him to help because if something bad
happens, she will be the one to be blamed. But Jed pleaded so Seth agreed but
with a condition that she will not go with them and her parents won't know
about she have done. When Seth arrived home, she saw that there was a party
going on on her house. She saw her friends and his father was eating meat and
drinks alcohol which is bad for his health. His friend Ding, a policeman, asks
for Seth's help because he has a skin disease called psoriasis and wants to
become healed. Her maid, Alma also came to her because she cannot pass the
health examination to go to Dubai because she also has a skin disease on
her foot.Three others were also begging for Seth to take them to the healer
because they want to be cured too. It was Chona, a woman who suffered Goiter,
Greta, a woman who was mumps in her breast and Kakay, a girl who cannot see. They
went to the town of the healer and was informed that Manang Elsa, refused to
cure people because she was sick. But Seth begged the healer so Manang Elsa let
them in and cured them.
After going home,Seth saw her father with a
young woman named Kelly dressed as an anime. Seth thinks that her father thinks
too childish after he was cured. The next day, everyone was happy because their
sickness had gone away except for Cookie who had a fever and was brought to the
hospital. Val, Cookie's father and Seth's divorced husband, knew that Seth is
the one who brought his daughter to the healer but he was amazed when he saw
Cookie well and was brought out of the hospital. During the anniversary of Ding
and his wife, Seth saw Chona and she asked her to go to the anniversary but
Chona just smiled and walked away. After the anniversary, Seth saw Chona dead
after killing herself with a pierced glass in her neck. At the funeral, the
husband of Chona told Seth that Chona saw a crow in her dreams before she died.
It was like the crow that Seth saw in her house. The people who also got healed
saw a crow in their dreams. Seth also realized that she saw Chona yesterday but
her husband told that Chona was just in the house. Later on, Seth saw Greta in
her house while stretching her long neck so Seth followed her. While Greta was
smoking, she saw her doppleganger and got inside of her. She killed her husband
but she also killed herself afterwards by tying her neck into a rope. The next
day, Seth went on a grocery store and saw Ding walked past her. Seth phoned
Ding trying to warn him. Ding is in a raid, and when he opened one of the
rooms, his doppelganger got him and he began shooting everyone, one of the
police shot him dead.
Meanwhile Alma panicked knowing that she would be the
next target. After the horrifying consequences, Seth asked her father if he saw
a crow in his dreams but his father thought that he did not see a crow instead
he had wet dreams.Seth decided to confront Manang Elsa about this. She went
back to the healer to find Manang Elsa already dead after being killed by
Dario, the man who fainted and died due to a heart-attack. Manang Elsa
unknowingly "cured" the dead, which should not be done because the
life that was used to revive him will take away the lives of the people that
Manang Elsa cured after him. The people cured after Dario will die by joining
the doppleganger and itself and attempt to do suicide. One night Seth was
trapped in a traffic jam and startled to see Alma get off the van. Knowing that this is
not the real Alma ,
Seth phoned Alma and
warn her that her doppelganger is on its way to her. Alma didn't believe Seth, unit it reached
her. The now possessed Alma killed some of her dorm mates and
eventually burned herself. Afraid for her daughter's life, Cita (Kakay's mom)
brought her to a Chinese temple to be guarded by their relative monks. Seth saw
Kakay's doppelganger and warned Cita, however, Kakay was lost during the dragon
dance and her doppelganger got into her. Kakay killed the praying monks and committed
suicide by jumping off the roof. Seth was being haunted by the people who got
killed and blamed her for their death because Seth is the key who brought them
to the healer. She also saw Kakay's soul crying to her and Seth took pity on
her. Since all of them had died, there is only one left and it is Cookie, her
stepdaughter. She took Cookie to her house and put on CCTV cameras to see the
doppleganger of Cookie so they will know when it will possess her.To end the
curse, Seth went to the jail to see Dario and she decided to bring him a food
that is poisoned. Dario told her that he is not the real Dario and he just
possessed his body after Manang Elsa cured him. Seth took pity because she
could not kill a person so she took the food and threw it away. When she got to
the house,she saw the doppleganger of Cookie thinking it already possessed
Cookie, killed her by shocking her with a toaster and she vanished away. Seth
was brought to the hospital because her arm got stabbed by Cookie's
doppleganger with a knife. She saw Cookie alive with Jed and he said that they
saw Cookie's doppleganger so they ran away. Thinking that Seth killed Cookie's
doppleganger, she let Cookie back in her house. Surprisingly, Cookie saw her
doppleganger again in her house so she ran away but her doppleganger run fast
and possessed inside of her. The possessed Cookie went to Seth's house and
brought her a cake for being thankful to her. Thinking that Cookie will cut the
cake, she stabbed Seth's other arm again instead so Seth ran away since she
cannot use her both arms to fight.Jed went to the house and took Cookie away
but Jed's doppleganger strangled Seth in her neck. While Dario was saying
prayers to the Devil, Melchor, Manang Elsa's husband, shot him three times. On
the first shot, Jed's doppleganger disappeared. On the second shot, Cookie
fainted and her doppleganger got away. And on the third shot Dario fell on the
ground and is already dead. The policemen put their guns to Melchor but he put
his gun down because he already killed Dario which he had wanted for revenge
for killing his wife. Seth, Jed and Cookie is now saved from the curse. They
woke up Cookie to see if she is still alive and Cookie surprisingly opened her
The movie suffers from a very
common horror movie complaint. The characters are entirely too passive about
serious problems. The characters figure out the connection between violent
events and the healing quickly enough, but it takes them forever to do anything
about it. Movies tend to need characters to be active, trying to solve their
problems with whatever resources are available to them. Having said that, the
movie does a great job of surrounding the central conflict with interesting
little details. There’s a funny, subversive edge to the way the community is
written, and a genuinely crushing dilemma complicating the eventual
The film isn’t afraid to get a little goofy,
offsetting the violence and darkness with tinges of humor. What could’ve been
generic horror movie stuff is enlivened by a slight satirical bent that takes
to task the very concept of healing. And the film thrives on its relationships,
building real stakes out of few well-placed lines of dialogue. The production
looks quite accomplished, and the film makes room for quite a few stylistic
touches. Most noticeably, the film marks its movements by having the characters
dress in the same color. It’s not entirely clear what the point of it is, but
it does make the film more visually interesting.
The Healing could
a little tighter. The characters spend too much time not doing anything about
their predicament, which makes it feel like they’re just courting danger. But
if one can overlook that little wrinkle, the movie is just a whole lot of fun.
It has an inspired sense of self, a personality beyond what we’ve come to
expect in every horror feature.
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