Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The Chicken Pox Plagues

It is summertime in the Philippines! Ang along with the the summer fun comes summer diseases and infections. 

Chicken Pox, called "Bulutong Tubig" in tagalog is on the rampage this time of the year in our household. This highly contagious viral infection caused by a herpes virus called "varicella zoster", is viciously ravaging some adults, and some kids too, spoiling the summer fun.

I have contacted  this virus while on our team building activity in Bolinao  , Pangasinan. Some of my officemates, especially the mothers, told me that when you have chicken pox, you have to have a low grade fever first. Since, I don't have a fever, it came as a surprise that I'm actually having chicken pox (I myself wouldn't want to accept that I indeed have chicken pox). I took no medication during my stay in Pangasinan, and boy it was the longest days of my life. I felt prickly!!

When I got home, I took the meds right away. Medicine for the pox includes Valterx which should be taken orally two tablets three times a day in the space of eight hours for seven day. And also ointment called "Zovirax" for the pox when you experience itchiness. 

Here are some pictures that I took when I first saw the pox. 

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