So, I've bought myself a new smart phone yesterday. It's my first phone to be honest. I've was never really interested in getting myself a new phone because I was frugal that way. However, my boyfriend was able to convince me to buy new phone since we will be seeing a lot of each other through Skype or any video calls available in the market.
Guess what my phone?
Samsung S4
I tried to access WiFi yesterday but to no avail I was not able to browse the internet. I learned that Samsung S4 has problem with WiFi connection. So I'm waiting for my activation of my globe plan. Which I will access within 1-3 days, so *crossfingers*.
Yesterday JR and I also watch Fast and Furious 6 at SM North Edsa. While waiting in the queue to buy tickets we noticed that there are many Senior Citizens waiting in line and I'm daydreaming. Getting ahead of myself there! I'm thinking how nice it is to grow old and watch movie together. Fast and Furious is a action packed movie, full of hulking muscles and big men. JR keeps on flexing his muscle to my amusement. *pinch*
This year I'll be saving a lot since I spend a lot on myself.
Off to experience Samsung S4, hopefully I'll be able to download good applications.